Helen Foley, Jack Howell and Helen Druar

The two ladies to the right are Helen Bailie Foley and her daughter from her first marriage , Helen Druar. Helen Bailie married a Druar who past away shortly after. Their only child was Helen Druar.
Helen Bailie Druar, the mother on the left, was my paternal grandmother. For her second marriage she wed Louis Francis Foley who then adopted Helen Druar as his own daughter.
The younger Helen to the right married Winton Walkup and I knew them as Aunt Helen and Uncle Winton. There is a street named after Winton in Carbondale Illinois and it is still found today in Google: Walkup Street, just a few blocks from where the Foleys all grew up.
The little guy in the back is Jack Howell. Helen Bailie Druar Foley, let us just say Gram from here on, had a sister Cleta who married a man named Howell. He would have been a first cousin to the four Foley brothers and Helen Walkup. Tough times fell upon the Howells and Jack came and lived with Gram for a while. He had one a "Most Beautiful Baby" contest and from this picture it is evident that Jack was a real cutie.
Daniel: My name is Mildred Jane Walkup Stafford. My dad was Howard Craig Walkup, my uncle was Winton E. Walkup. Was happy to find this picture of Aunt Helen. I also remember Jack Howell.
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