The Foleys of Carbondale Illinois
Helen Bailie Foley, Daniel Edmund Foley and Louis Francis Foley
taken about 1930

Pictured here are three important figures in our family history.
On January 11, 1905, Helen Bailie married Louis Foley after her first husband had died. Her daughter from her first marriage, Helen Druar, was adopted by Louis. Louis called the older Helen, "Ella", and they had four more children, all boys. Louis Edward (Ned), William Severn, Daniel Bernard and Richard Emmett.
Between them is Daniel Edmund Foley, born March 18, 1857. Both Daniel and Louis worked their whole careers for the Illinois Central Railroad in downstate Illinois, Little Egypt.
Louis and Ella were Gram and Gramp to me and they both passed away when I was very young. I never knew my great grandfather. They lived in Carbondale Illinois most of their lives.
Ella, Louis and Daniel, Foleys that brought our family history to life for me.
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